Structure Galvanized Steel Introduction

Structure Galvanized Steel usually included two types. One is:  cold rolled coil based plate, another one is Hot rolled coil based plate. Cold Rolled Hot-Dipped Galvanized Steel’s thickness range is usually from 0.4-2.0mm.Hot Rolled Hot-Dipped Galvanized Steel’s thickness range is from 1.8-5.0mm. They are mainly used for Structure Budiling Construction,Solar Energy Equipment, Auto Parts, Household…


Mild Carbon Steel

Mild Carbon Steel:Why this steel named “Mild”? “Mild” Meaning:   1. Not Severe or harsh 2. Of weather: Not very cold and therefore peasant.  “a mild climate” 3. Of feeling: not great or extreme, like slight. “mild amusement” 4. Of people or their behavior:  gentle and kind;not usually getting angry or violent.  “a mild woman”.…
